Saturday, March 21, 2009


Today was my university graduation ceremony... I wasn't overly enthused about it all... i mean, I completed my course last August so it all seemed a little redundant. BUT ANYWAY:

Hmm... starting to wish I *had* invested in some professional photos today cos the ones I've got are rather dodgy... and I missed photo opportunities with some of my closest mates with all of their grad gear on too. WHOOPS. Oh well.

Here are some of my pics from today... hopefully the ones my aunties took are of better quality. That's my mum, me and 2 of my aunties in the photo above.
This is Carla, Me & Bernadette... we all graduated today and we all teach at the same school this year.

This is Hannah's hubbie Graeme... getting ready for next year's ceremony a little bit early!

This is Melissa M & I. We go to church & young adults group together.

Yes, here I am posing with my Degree. By this stage I'd had about a million pics taken with this thing and I was seriously over it.
Russ even came along to my grad... so here I am with my favourite guys.
And here's one last crazy not-posing-properly photo of me in my Harry Potter get-up.


Antonella Ryan said...

Congratuations Sweet!!! You look Great!

Sarah aka Byclops said...

Congrats Maria...I was a little like you for my graduation, just like ho hum, nut it still really is a huge accomplishment!!!

Shimano (aka Christine) said...

Congrats - I think your pics are fine, but I've been in same boat when looking back through pics and thought - Oh should of got a photo of that, Oh wish I had a photo of such and such, etc. Hope the other pics are what you are hoping for.